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Stone maintenance daily procedures

Jan 13,2025By: Lushan Wenlei Stone Co.,Ltd.

After long-term use, even if the stone is properly maintained, it will lose its original decorative effect because of reasonable wear and tear. Most of the second decoration will replace the old and new, but the stone floor generally does not need to be replaced, only need to choose the renovation treatment, will be another stone floor to get a new effect, stone maintenance according to the wear of the stone is divided into: stone light renovation, stone medium renovation and stone deep renovation.

Daily procedure of stone maintenance:

(1) Cutting, grinding: The use of heavy stone grinding machinery with horizontal cutting pieces, refurbished abrasive or diamond discs in accordance with the thickness of the abrasive and grinding pieces from coarse to fine through the program, to achieve smooth and flat ground, stone grain clear is appropriate.

(2) Filling holes and sealing joints: remove debris or old caulking in old cracks and cracks, and use special caulking tools to add repair materials into the gaps.

(3) Polishing: After grinding, use special polishing equipment and polishing materials to polish the floor as a whole to make the stone more bright.

(4) Protection: It is the use of stone protective agents for penetrative protection of stone to prevent the penetration of external substances. According to different stone can choose whether to take this procedure.

(5) Surface maintenance: After the completion of the above procedures, the stone has reached the standard of use, but the strength of the surface wear resistance is still not enough, so at this time, it is necessary to artificially create a hard protective layer. At this time, the stone is in a state, so this procedure is very important and can lay a good foundation for future maintenance.

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